Sunday, August 10, 2008

Discipleship Training in Palanan!

As some of you may be aware, we cancelled the Mobile CDTS a few weeks ago because we didn’t have enough students. Praying about what the next step should be, we decided to look seriously at the invitation we had received from Christian Missions for the Unreached to bring discipleship training to Palanan, Isabella.

Through 10 years of sending our outreach teams to Palanan, the strong, trusting relationship between Crossroads DTS and CMU has developed. Our teams have seen first hand the work that God is doing to bring His gospel to the people of the Palanan valley and beyond through the missionaries of CMU. We have been blessed every year by CMU and their hearts for the people.

Last May when our CDTS team was there speaking in a youth camp, 20 youth went forward to dedicate their lives to serving God. Later the leaders of CMU asked Duane to bring a CDTS to Palanan. A few weeks after that a Bible school was formed using the ISOM curriculum with 17 students. Because our schedule is open, and CMU has agreed that now is the time for the discipleship training, we are planning for a school there beginning September 16, 2008.

Doctora Mona Chiong, the current president of CMU says, “… Palanan is a remote town, one of the poorest municipalities of the Philippines, situated behind the Siera Madre mountains , where there is no existing road and can only be reached by air through small 6-seater planes or by motorboat ,more often through the rough sea. Palanan is the home of about 15,000 people, some 1-2 thousand of whom are Agtas, an indigenous peoples group, the rest of whom are lowlanders; each group has a distinct language. The Lord's work started in this place way back in the 1980s, initially through bible translation and later a church was born. From a handful of believers then, the church has grown to about a thousand believers and there are about 17 local churches all in all, Agta and lowland. We believe God has called us to disciple the Palanan believers and we believe too that God has led us to ask help from your group in the discipling of this people group.

Presently, there are about 30 who would like to enroll in the school if it would be held in Palanan, half of them are young people who are presently enrolled in our bible school and the other half are church leaders, church workers and members of our group. It is also a mixed group of Agtas and lowlanders. I have been informed that in your school, the students are required to attend school five days in the week. I would like to request for some modification regarding this matter; that is that the five days be reduced to 3 days since most of them have to work in the fields, or have to go out to fish and hunt or some other means of livelihood so that they could have food in their homes.”

From Duane--
For 10 years we have been invited into Palanan. The relationship began when a missionary family who were pioneers there came to our school. Since then friendships have developed with the lowland and Agta people, and a strong love and trust with the Christians and CMU. They are extremely isolated, and have good [historical] reason to be cautious of all non-residents.

I'm not one to force the door open, but the door is opening...the school is another indication of trust [given]. I shudder at the thought of how easily foreign visionaries/missionaries could have destroyed or at least severely infected these people....and marvel at the wisdom of the missionaries to plant the gospel and let their new found freedom in Christ work with little interference.

The Agta's are the indigenous Filipino. Similar to other native people, for example, the native Americans. They are not in appearance, thought, language, or culture similar to the national Filipino. They are called by different names but live throughout the country in small family groups in the mountains.... they are mostly hidden from the world.

I've heard that approximately 80% of the Palanan Agta's are Christian. This is a transformation from illiterate family groups living a severe nomadic life in the Christian villages with churches and schools and increasing population! This is a leap forward which could never have been done by national or foreign "development projects". Only the gospel of God's kingdom could accomplish such a radical transition, yet allow them to remain a distinct people at peace! It is simply the power of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Yes, I am excited to see the transformation of a society! Likewise we are honored and humbled that God would allow us to have a little part.

There are many churches planted among the lowland and Agta people. Most of the lowlanders are still not Christian....this is the largest mission field and actively undertaken by both Agta and lowland Christians. Each year we are asked to go further to more distant villages where there are no churches. Travel is by canoe and walking.

The big picture being planted in these people include missions beyond the borders of the mountains to the indigenous people in Indo-China. I assume this would seem impossible to them but with God it is not, and it will happen! Last year we had our first Agta student. SIL is training lowland and Agta in mother tongue to mother tongue translation. This is a leap forward in translation work! These people will come across the mountains! They will not remain hidden outcasts!
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Because we believe this invitation is God's heart for the people of Palanan Valley, we have agreed together to take a team there to begin the school. We have also felt we are not to charge these people so will be praying for the necessary funds. Please pray with us regarding that. Duane, Susan, and I will be going there the 22nd of this month for 5 days to set up some things, as well as doing some staff training for the 3 Palanan and 1 Agta former CDTS students that will be helping with the small groups. Everything will be translated, unless already in tagalog language, so having native speakers for the small groups is really important.

Please pray with us for--
1) the speakers (topics such as Identity, Pride and Humility, Character of God and Hearing God's Voice, Forgiveness, Member Care, Counseling Principles, Worship, Spiritual Warfare, Relinquishing Rights, Leadership Principles, and more) some local and some foreign as well as our own staff team.
2) transportation as it is fly-in only or walk over the mountains 4 days or by small boat on the ocean. (We are going for "fly-in" method.)
3) God's schedule as we schedule speakers, flights, logistics,.
4) Finances for the training.

If God gives you some scriptures for us please pass them on to us. We appreciate your prayers, messages, love and support of this ministry here in the Philippines. Thank you!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Quick Trip Home to Wisconsin

July 31, 2008

We just arrived back in the Philippines last week after a short visit home in USA, with family and friends. The time went quickly, but it was great to spend time with our kids and grandkids both in Washington state and Wisconsin.

We had time with family hiking, sitting around the fire talking, playing in the water and Duane had time to do some canoeing and kayaking around the lake. I managed about an hour in the hammock, too! It was a refreshing time and so good to be with everyone again.

We hope to make it a longer time next year and be able to make more connections with friends. It seemed this was a time for family and God really blessed us with those times.

We have had to cancel the planned mobile Crossroads Discipleship Training School planned for Aug. 6 (due to not enough students) so will let you know next time what is ahead for these next few months.

Oh, by the way--I turned "60" last week, too! Someone told me that "60 is the new 50"!! God is good.

Love and blessings to you all--